Pet Therapy with the llamas

Animal-assisted therapy (AAT), also known as pet therapy, utilises trained animals and handlers to achieve specific physical, social, cognitive, and emotional goals with patients. This approach is used both for physical as well as mental disabilties. It has been widely scientifically demonstrated that patients who under go a course of pet therapy sessions show better reactions to medicines and it has a positive affect on their blood pressure and heart rate. These benefits are direct behavioural attributes linked to the strong positive influence people experience when in contact and co-operation with the animals.
The animals can be used in almost all branches of medicine. However, the best results are reached when the patient, the therapist and the animal trainer work as a team.
Due to their size and very pacific appearance, llamas have a very strong impact on certain people. Therefore, when they are well socialised and trained they are the perfect partners for pet therapy.
last Update: 06.10.2024 at 08:26
Gallo Rosso - Agriturismo in montagnaVacanze rilassanti sul RenonVacanze Alto Adige, Renon
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