Welt der Alpakas 2014
Chile 2014
One sip for our Lord, one sip for Pachamama (mother earth). These are the wise words that the Indian breeders of llamas and alpacas pronounced when toasting with us. At the same time they spilled a couple of wine drops onto the ground, as a sign of thankfulness. A gesture of kindness that could easily be misunderstood, if one does not know about the spirituality and beliefs of the Chilean natives.
With 12 of our animals we participated to the biggest Alpacashow in Central Europe, together with 320 alpacas from many different countries. 10 of our animals were awarded with a prize by the Australian judge Angela Preuss. Especially the older animals could show big results in the categories of beauty and fleece. In spite of high competition we could keep up with the younger animals on international standards.
Like in the past the organisers brought up a really nice event for humans and ...
From January 21st until February 12th 2014 we will travel once again to one of our favorite destinations: Chile!
last Update: 08.07.2024 at 07:36
Gallo Rosso - Agriturismo in montagnaVacanze rilassanti sul RenonVacanze Alto Adige, Renon
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